New York City → Princeton, NJ → Philadelphia, PA
I seemingly only took pictures of and/or from bridges on this trip.
Yes, this is a different bridge than the previous photo.
Delaware & Raritan Canal towpath
Lock on the D&R Canal
Light snow just barely sticking on the first day of Code4Lib 2023.
![Bike with subtly non-planar rear wheel propped in corner of Gothic revival breezeway at Princeton. Through the opening of the breezeway we can see a light snow sticking to plants but not the ground.](
Something about that bike propped casually in this breezeway struck me as picturesque, like a clichéd European scene or something. Then I noticed the rear wheel of the bike is deformed, so it's probably been there awhile.
![Interior view of Princeton Chapel, looking down the center aisle with colorful banners hanging above looking like something out of goddamned Harry Potter](
![Worn tombstone for Aaron Burr with a modern plaque in front, flanked by small American flags in a fairly dense cemetery](