Joshua Wier /

Contact CV Projects

New York City → Princeton, NJ → Philadelphia, PA

I seemingly only took pictures of and/or from bridges on this trip.

Yes, this is a different bridge than the previous photo.

Delaware & Raritan Canal towpath

Lock on the D&R Canal

Light snow just barely sticking on the first day of Code4Lib 2023.

Bike with subtly non-planar rear wheel propped in corner of Gothic revival breezeway at Princeton. Through the opening of the breezeway we can see a light snow sticking to plants but not the ground.

Something about that bike propped casually in this breezeway struck me as picturesque, like a clichéd European scene or something. Then I noticed the rear wheel of the bike is deformed, so it's probably been there awhile.

Interior view of Princeton Chapel, looking down the center aisle with colorful banners hanging above looking like something out of goddamned Harry Potter
Worn tombstone for Aaron Burr with a modern plaque in front, flanked by small American flags in a fairly dense cemetery

Fishtrap Bridge near London, Kentucky

Two people under natural bridge viewed from underneath the overhang at one end
Natural bridge viewed from underneath. Large tree in right foreground
Two people underneath natural bridge viewed from the side of the downstream end
Natural bridge from above, looking flat and not particularly dramatic, covered in dry leaves

The bridge is very understated as you approach, especially under fall leaves.

Paige on shoulder of highway bridge passing a sign that reads "INDIANA 101 END"

Indiana → Kentucky for Thanksgiving

Bikes against large sign reading "Welcome to Indiana / Crossroads of America / Benjamin Harrison / America's Hoosier President / Lincoln's Boyhood Home"

Ohio → Indiana

Cincinnati, Ohio