Joshua Wier /

Contact CV Projects

Just appreciate how the shape of the sign matches the mountains in the background.

Near Alpine, TX

Tiny Target, ~Marathon, TX

The Target trash is a nice touch.

Marathon, TX

An unexpected snow day in Sanderson, TX

Okay, the snow melted quickly, but it was still cold and windy!

Iron deposits?

Lunch break in the shade of a bridge near Dryden, TX

Pecos High Bridge

Seminole Canyon State Park, Texas

The campground was under construction and closed. We stayed anyway, got caught, and then got forgiven.

Javelinas on the canyon floor

Confluence with the Rio Grande

Rio Grande

Goats clamoring at the fence

Amistad Reservoir

Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña

Park in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila

Fort Clark Springs, Brackettville, TX

Solar farm near Brackettville, TX

Following the Nueces River

Nueces River near Camp Wood, TX

Dam at Wes Cooksey Park, which has a cute little campground

Porch at the store by Wes Cooksey

The wide, dry western fork of the Nueces

Pass between Leakey and Camp Wood, TX

Hill Country views