Joshua Wier /

Contact CV Projects

Ojinaga, Chihuahua

Ojinaga is a pleasant border town and seems even less touristed than Acuña, despite the Big Bend Country being a pretty touristed region. Just across the border is Presidio, Texas, which is also pleasant enough and pretty cheap.

We actually stayed one night in Presidio and one in Ojinaga. The "river road" (FM 170) through Big Bend Ranch really wiped us out more than we thought. A lot of that was poor planning water-wise (long story), but the result was we peddled into Presidio feeling overwhelmed. Even though it was just midday, we didn't want the small hassle of crossing the border; plus we decided we needed a place with good internet do some proper planning, so we stayed on the American side. The next day, we were still feeling beat, but we thought we could at least take the effort to cross the border, both to save some money and to get a change of scenery.

"Centro" is actually near the edge of town in Ojinaga, so this was the view one block away from our hotel.

Murals in the municipal building