Joshua Wier /

Contact CV Projects

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah

Fruita, where Mormon settlers planted orchards



Fremont River

Hickman Natural Bridge

Indian granary

Cabin built by a Mormon settler

BLM land between Torrey, UT and Capitol Reef NP. We camped near here.

Interestingly-textured rock

Rope swing by the irrigation ditch? Torrey, UT

Boulder Mountain, Dixie National Forest, Utah

Contrast with barren rock faces of Grand Staircase Escalante below.


Rocky dry ridges not far away

Road on a ridge

Trees perfectly marking an almost-perfectly sinuous creek

Looking down at the canyon formed by Calf Creek

Scenic Byway 12 on our way up from Calf Creek

Lower Calf Creek Falls Trail, Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument


Close-up of pictographs

Lower Calf Creek Falls

Ferrous seams in the rock

Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument

Escalante, UT

Powell Point Vista, Dixie National Forest, Utah